Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Ho Ho ...the Holidays!
I experienced my first ever "Black Friday" shopping excursion. Krista and I were up with the chickens (...I really shouldn't say "chickens" since you have to be
Our best Christmas present though will be after the big day. Mike's parents are flying us to Florida to spend the New Year with them! This is Audrey's first plane ride so we're a little nervous but mostly excited that she'll get the chance to spend some of the Holidays with her Grandparents! It just so happens that my sister Heather and her family are also going to be in the same area for the New Year and Sara and Dave are going to drive in from Georgia to spend the day with us too! Audrey will be so excited to play with her cousins and will adore her baby cousin Lola!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Fall Fun

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Fall Season or Flu Season?
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Autumn is in the air

Monday, August 10, 2009
Summer Fading Fast
It really seems that summer is fading fast. We have one more "planned" camping trip for Labor Day and then we're heading up north to spend sometime with Mike's family before we say goodbye to summer.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Keep On Growing
Sunday, July 5, 2009
These boots were made for walkin...
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Country Girl
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Happy Birthday!
Thanks to Sarah for Audrey's (obviously) delicious cake. It was the perfect Monkey.
We're off for our first camping trip of the season. We're curious to see how much (if any) of it that she remembers from last year. She loves to be outside so I'm thinking the weekend is going to be a hit ...fingers are still crossed though.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Spring Time Chaos
Thursday, April 16, 2009
What's up Doc?

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Go Spartans!
Some quick Audrey updates:
*She climbs on everything which means she falls a lot. Most the time she just gets back up and starts all over again but there are a few falls here and there that need a little TLC repair.
*She said her first word the other day while looking out the front window with her dad. He likes to show her the cars going by while he narrates. After he pointed out yet another car she finally repeated him. So her first actual word (used in context anyway) was "Car". Her dad was so proud.
*As we've blogged before, she loves her baths however she's recently made them more challenging for me. Since she's started to stand that's all she wants to do and it's not easy to stand in a slippery tub. Explain that to a 11 month old! Needless to say, bath time has been cut short these days.
Now we're just waiting for the arrival of baby Remi. We're so excited and anxious for the arrival of Audrey's best friend!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Audrey The Water Bug
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
My Funny Valentine!
Although it was only just over two weeks ago that I last blogged it actually feels like it's been years! So much to tell, so little time ...especially now that I'm working. I just don't have the luxury of bloggin' as I did during my days at home with the Boog Bear. My job is defiantly keeping me busy which is good because it helps the days go by fast. Audrey is doing great at daycare. She naps really good for them and loves watching the older kids play. Lady, the begal is her favorite. I watched Audrey gently pet her the other day. Something I know she'd love to do with the cats if they'd let her. The best part of my day is when I walk into daycare to pick her up and her face lights up. It's like she wasn't sure if I was going to come back and is surprised every time I do. I'm grateful for the few hours in the evening I have to spend with her before she's out for the night by 7:30pm ...and when I say out for the night, I mean all night. She's been sleeping through the night for over a month now (10 - 12 hours) except for the odd ball wakings that might come due to teething. Even then it only takes a few minutes of comforting and she's back down again. I guess it's true, you do eventually get uninterrupted sleep again.
As I mentioned earlier teething is still happening. She now has both her bottom teeth and her two top ones have also cut through now (...she's got a wide space between them, wide enough to make the doctor gasp but I think its cute). So now, with those teeth, comes biting. This is what led us to her next big milestone in life ...she's given up on nursing. It only took one night of biting when we both decided that it just wasn't working anymore. Well I think she was more convinced than I was. I was willing to give her another shot the next night but she didn't want anything to do with it ...perhaps she didn't like it when I yelped the night before. So just a week shy of her 9th month she was officially done breastfeeding. I have to admit I was a little sad about missing our end of the day feeding but not much has changed. I still get to give her the bottle in the rocking chair and she still fall asleep in my arms. The only difference ...I can take a night off if I need too!
We've started feeding her different foods now too. We've introduced Cheerios, bread, cheese, yogurt, and Ritz crackers (...she loves those, and Cheerios of coarse). The bad thing is that since we've introduced those finger foods she's been giving us a hard time taking the baby food from a spoon. She's little miss independent and wants to do it herself so needless to say eating can get pretty messing for both of us, and my kitchen (this is where Tia, the dog, finally becomes useful)! We finally discovered that if we let her have her own spoon the feeding session goes over much easier. We're learning, slowly, but we're learning.
We intended on taking Audrey outside last weekend to introduce her to the snow but we missed out on our opportunity when the 60 degree weather came. We did get a little dusting last night though so we're going to take her to put some flowers on my dad's grave for his birthday. I know he's always watching over her however I think he'll really enjoy seeing her playing in the snow for the first time. I'll take pictures and blog about it next week.
Below is a video of her new motor boat noise. I took her shopping the other day and she did that while sitting in the cart, as if she was driving. It was good entertainment for my shopping excursion. Dad thinks she's going to be a car buff like him. Perhaps she will.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Yeah for Audrey!
My job is going good. I picked up right where I left off and keeping very busy. I'm lucky enough to be able to leave a 4pm to pick up Audrey however I continue to work from home after she's down for the night. It's a small price to pay in order to spend more time with her before she goes to bed. She's changing so much each day that I'm afraid if I blink I might miss something.
Mike has taught her to clap her hands:
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
ummm ...Pancakes!