Some quick Audrey updates:
*She climbs on everything which means she falls a lot. Most the time she just gets back up and starts all over again but there are a few falls here and there that need a little TLC repair.
*She said her first word the other day while looking out the front window with her dad. He likes to show her the cars going by while he narrates. After he pointed out yet another car she finally repeated him. So her first actual word (used in context anyway) was "Car". Her dad was so proud.
*As we've blogged before, she loves her baths however she's recently made them more challenging for me. Since she's started to stand that's all she wants to do and it's not easy to stand in a slippery tub. Explain that to a 11 month old! Needless to say, bath time has been cut short these days.
Now we're just waiting for the arrival of baby Remi. We're so excited and anxious for the arrival of Audrey's best friend!
Love it...I'll pass the word on to Remi that she MUST come out and play now because Audrey's gettin' antsy!
Well, I usually don't like people wearing MSU gear, but Audrey is an exception. She is such a sweetie. I loved being able to hold her on Sunday w/out Tatym getting jealous.
Love the update, and the wonderful climb/fall senario! Its crazy how it has to work like that! Sorry about the bath time, i'm afraid jake is starting to have the same issues!
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