I just realized that our last blog was for Halloween! I swear I don't know where the time goes! We had a really great Thanksgiving spending the evening with Sara's extended family, the Evangelista's. Dave's parents made us feel really welcome and Audrey had no problem feeling at home once Dave's dad introduced her to the "Toy" closet!
I experienced my first ever "Black Friday" shopping excursion. Krista and I were up with the chickens (...I really shouldn't say "chickens" since you have to be

really brave to volunteer those large crowds) in search for a new toy kitchen set (...shh, don't tell Audrey)! It was a great success, especially since we got everything on our list in less than two hours! That wasn't the end of our shopping days though. Just last weekend Krista, Sara, Heather Z and I made an over night trip to Birch Run/Frankenmuth. We left the kids home with the Dads and/or Grandparents and headed up north for a much needed escape. This trip, I believe, was the first of an annual tradition as the "mom" get away! It's need after indulging Dad's hunting trips!

Audrey is talking a lot these days. She'll repeat just about anything she hears and has recently developed a joy for singing. She'll sing/hum "Twinkle, Twinkle little Star" and "Happy Birthday" and any giving moment, well unless I have a video camera in her face! She loves to watch Sponge Bob Square Pants and Elmo is still her favorite bud, but not as much as "Baby" though. Every night we read her a book and then she goes to bed with her favorite Elmo book and "Baby" by her side.

Christmas is right around the corner and I'm proud to say I'm actually ready for it! I was really excited for it this year, owing that to Audrey. We set up the trees the weekend after Thanksgiving but after catching Audrey with a bulb in her mouth one tree came down and the other one sits naked (aside for lights and an angel on top) in my living room. It will serve it's purpose come Christmas day and hopefully next year she' realize that bulbs are not edible!

Our best Christmas present though will be after the big day. Mike's parents are flying us to Florida to spend the New Year with them! This is Audrey's first plane ride so we're a little nervous but mostly excited that she'll get the chance to spend some of the Holidays with her Grandparents! It just so happens that my sister Heather and her family are also going to be in the same area for the New Year and Sara and Dave are going to drive in from Georgia to spend the day with us too! Audrey will be so excited to play with her cousins and will adore her baby cousin Lola!

I bought Audrey a Christmas dress and I vow to have her in it at least long enough for pictures so keep an eye out for that on our next Blog. For now, here are a few candid shots taken over the past few weeks. A few are from our trip to see Santa, who she likes as long as she's not on his lap! So different from last year!
Congrats on being preparid for christmas! It really is a big accomplishment. And on surviving black friday with everything on your list! Thanks for the heads up on the tasty tree treats. We'll be sure to keep an eye on jake as he has been known to bite things/people when he's excited!
My goodness she's growing up fast! Of course, I only see you in 3-month intervals so it seems that much quicker! Kids make the holidays that much more special. Enjoy the season!
We really need to get our girls together....they would have so much fun playing babies! We also bought Tatym a kitchen set for x-mas. I agree that having kids this age makes x-mas soooo much more fun :)
By the way, I'm very jealous of your FL vacation!!
Audrey is so cute! Yes, this Christmas will definitely be a fun one for all of you!Enjoy your trip to Florida to celebrate the New Year! I'm sure Audrey will have blast with her Grandparents and so will they with her!I wish all of you a Very Merry Christmas and a great 2010!! Donna
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