It's official ...Audrey's walkin' and non-stop! For the past few weeks she was dabbling in it here and there but just last Thursday she decided it was going to be her main form of transportation. The bad part, she's teething too (molars) so there is a lot of built up frustration for her right now. She's grown quite attached to her dada and mama and has even developed a very dramatic, attention getting, whimper complete with the quivering lips and rubbing eyes.
We've had a pretty busy summer thus far. We had our second camping trip a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate, it was a bit chilly and rainy so we never did get a chance to do some of the things we had hoped too, like swim but we did enjoy the company with Aunt Sara, Uncle Dave, Aunt Krista, Uncle Randy and of coarse Audrey's BFF Remi. We also made a trip up north to spend some time with Audrey's Grandma and Grandpa Nelson. This is where we got to do some swimming! Audrey loved the water just as I expected however was not a big fan of the sand, at least not at first. She stayed safely on her towel and slowly eased her way to sandy beach.
For the forth of July we spent the day at the Partin's 4th of July BBQ. There were a lot of friends, family, food and non-stop fun! Audrey had a great time combing every inch of the backyard. She was so tuckered out by the end of the night she slept right through all the firework celebrations later that night ...and so did Mike and I! 
1 comment:
So exciting that Audrey is walking! jake is still about 50 50 he gets so excited and then crawls! So glad to hear you got to swim. As well as play with lots of family and friends!
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