Saturday, May 30, 2009

Country Girl

Camping was Fun! Yes that's Fun with a capital F! We went camping at Dearborn RV Park over the Memorial Day weekend and even though we didn't do much we still had a great time. This was Audrey's first trip of the season and if I had to guess I'd say she she is a real fan of camping. Mike got a couple of hours head start to get the camper set up while Boo Bear and I headed up separately to arrive just in time for dinner at the site.
The rest of the weekend we went for bike rides with Audrey in her new bike trailer (thanks Grandma and Grandpa Nelson), wagon rides (thanks Aunt Sara and Uncle Dave) in her new Radio Flyer and we even took a little dip in the lake which was short lived due to the temperature, however I think she loved the feel of the sand in her toes. We're getting ready to plan our second trip of the season already, especially now that Aunt Sara and Uncle Dave have joined the camper family!

Audrey hasn't walked by herself yet however everyday she's getting closer. A couple of days ago she stood up from sitting to standing all by herself. She laughed once she realized what she did and continued to repeat the feat (which was good for me since I missed it the first time). Now when she does it she pauses at the surfer stance to build up some confidence and than stands straight up for about an 1/8 of a second. Hey, it's progress!

Audrey's cousin Lola was born this past Tuesday to my sister Heather. We've been waiting a long time for her arrival, especially since she came 9 days late! The sad part, we don't get to meet Miss Lola until Summers end :( ...but pictures prove that she is a beautiful little girl and we're so happy for her arrival.

1 comment:

Kele C said...

Congrats on the Happy Camper! You never know what to expect out the little people and every good suprise is worth celebrating! Love the pic of her in the bike trailer!