Audrey's first Christmas was good however very exhausting, at least for Mike and I. She didn't sleep very well Christmas Eve night which we though was just another round of teething issues (...or the excitement for Santa coming) however it turns out she was coming down with a tiny little cold that Mom got as well. She was still a champ most of Christmas Day though. We opened up some presents at 6:30am and finally finished that by 10:00am ...and no, thats not because we spoiled her that much but because we had to pause a lot to eat, nap, change diapers, or whatever else came up. She was still more interested in the wrapping paper, cards, bows or cardboards box than the actual gift itself however once that was all out of the way I think she finally took a liking to all her new toys. After all that we headed over to Aunt Sara and Uncle Dave's for Christmas dinner which was really nice once we got the pac n play, booster seat, diaper bag, food and presents unloaded from the SUV (how do people do it with a car)! Then, after just four short hours Audrey insisted it was time to go home because it was past her bedtime! So Christmas was over just like that. We were home and Audrey was sound asleep in her own bed (crib) by 6:30pm! Twelve hours had come and gone in what felt like a matter of minutes! Jeesh ...I can't wait 'til next year!
I'm glad you had a nice Christmas. I love the dress.
I love that it took you guys 3 1/2 hours to open! That just cracks me up...ahh the fun of little ones!
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