Last night was Audrey's first full night in her crib. She looked so sweet when I went to get her this morning that I just had to take a picture to commemorate the moment. I will admit, there was a part of me that missed waking up next to her however I'm extremely proud of her!

On another note, I went to the doctors yesterday and found that I weight 4lbs less then I did when I got pregnant. I'm now a huge fan of the breastfeeding ...heck, maybe I'll breastfeed until she's 5 years old ...I'll be fashion model size by then!
YEAH Audrey! She looks so sweet here... Can't wait to camp this weekend :)
Awww she sleeps so cute, I love how they curl their legs up - Good Job Audrey!! And great job mom (so jealous) on your weight loss - hmm could think of another word but i'll keep it nice :-)
Oh, so you put her on her belly to sleep, huh?! ...glad she did so well, good job sticking with it!
I'm just going to pretend that I didn't read that last part of your blog and keep believing that it's supposed to take 9 months to get the baby weight off;)
I'm stalking you as well :) I just stalked Kele's page. Your daughter is very very gorgeous. I absolutely love the picture of her sleeping in the crib. I'm glad to read that everything is going great :)
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