She certainly had discovered her lungs at this point. The poor thing has been dealing with some obviously painful gas issues and has no problem letting us know she is uncomfortable. Below is a picture of her in the "football" hold, one of a few positions that make her comfortable. Mike calls her his "baby alligator" because of her posture here's pretty darn cute.
Last week we had are first shopping trip with Christa and Andre. Both the babies were so good. They slept the whole time we shopped and we even got to stop for a quick bite to eat! Andre sits up much better then Audrey so he's lending her a shoulder in this photo.
The sleeping at night is getting much better. She sleeps a majority of the night in her crib now so I'm no longer worried about our current sleeping arrangement anymore. I'm confident that she'll transition to her crib fulltime in just a matter of weeks ...fingers crossed!
This weekend we are taking our first camping trip. Audrey seems to enjoy the fresh air of the outdoors so we're hoping for the best! I'll post pictures next week.
that lil alligator sure is cute. i enjoyed seeing her yesterday and holding her. heck i enjoyed the 5 glasses of wine too but who's counting. haha. call me if you go on any walks soon and hopefully i can meet up
She's so cute! I love the new pictures and I can't believe how big Andre' is! They make a cute little couple! :-) Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks!
Love you,
Camping at 6 weeks, you guys are amazing! And Audrey is totally adorable.
Hi Mommy & Daddy Nelson!
Audrey looks so cute and adorable!
I hope you have an enjoyable first time family camping trip with your daughter!
That will be an adventure for sure and many moments to remember. Looking forward to future pics! Hugs & Kisses to Audrey from Sammy's Grandma
PS. Sammy's girlfriend Audrey is definitely a keeper!!!
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