Sunday, July 27, 2008

11 Weeks

Audrey had a very busy week and unfortunately a tough one at that. A week ago last Friday we were set to take our second camping trip when she woke up with a fever. After a 6 hour visit to the ER we found that she was fighting a Urinary Tract Infection. Doesn't sound like a big deal, as a matter of fact the ER doctor told us that it's pretty common in young females, however our primary pediatrician wanted to dig more into the fact of why she got the infection. She wanted to test Audrey for vesicoureteral reflux which is when urine from the bladder flows back up into the kidneys, hence causing an infection. I was optimistic the whole time, certain she didn't have it however I was wrong. After a very uncomfortable (and painful for mom and dad to watch) procedure involving a small tube inserted in the bladder and x-rays it was found that she does indeed suffer from this condition. At this time there isn't much we can do for her but keep her on an antibiotic for 1 year and hope that within time, as she grows, the problem will fix itself. The good news is that as long as we can keep her infection free this is not painful to Audrey in any way. As a matter of fact, within 24 hours of having her on the antibiotic her fever broke and she was back to herself again. She has an appointment with a Urologist at the end of August so we'll keep you posted on her progress.
Now on to happier times. Audrey is really starting to focus on people, especially Mike and I. Mike can almost get her to giggle at times. She does however smile a lot more now even though she still has her cranky time in the evening. We're hoping that will miraculously disappear once she turns 3 months ...fingers crossed! I've also recently discovered that she likes her mobile now (plays John Lennon's Imgaine) and she's starting to tolerate the swing more but only if it's on the fastest setting. She likes speed ...must of got that from her dad.

Next weekend I'm going away for the first time for Sara's bachlorette weekend. Dad and Audrey are on there own! I'll blog all about it went when I get back ...or maybe I'll have Mike blog about it. I'm sure they'll do just fine together ...I'll probably have a harder time then they will!

I've posted some photos of the smiles I was able to capture ...they're much more precious when you catch them in real life though.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Booger Update

I know it's been a while since our last update but we've been pretty busy around here. Last week my sister Heather came in for my sister Sara's wedding shower. This was the first time Audrey got to meet her Aunt Heather and her cousin Max (cousin Jackson didn't make the trip this time). She was very excited to meet them however her "growth spurt" got the best of her and she sleep most the weekend :( hence the lack of photos. The whole Shea family will be in town in September though for the wedding so we'll be sure to get lots of cousin photos then.

Audrey also went to the doctors last week for her 2 month check up ...and those darn shots :( That was heart breaking however I think she handled it like a trooper. She now weights 12lbs 7oz and is 22 inces long. According to the doc that means she's in the 75-90th percentile for weight and the 50th percentile for height. In essences, she'll be short and fat! No, I'm just kidding however she is filling out quite nicely ...and that's just on breastmilk.

Speaking of breastmilk, we're coming to the home stretch for breastfeeding. I always said I'd give it three months and that's just 2 1/2 weeks away. I'm still going back and forth with it but with all the problems I've had I think it would be wise for me to just throw in the towel however there's something in me that is makeing me second guess that. Perhaps it's the cost of formula! I don't know, but whatever it is I can now see why women breastfeed for year and sometimes beyond. It's a bond that's really hard to give up.

In two weeks I'm leaving Audrey and Mike for the weekend. It's Sara's bachlorette weekend and it will be my first time away (not counting my frequent hospital trips in the begining). I'm really apprehensive about it however I know they'll be just fine without me. Maybe that's what hurts the most ...well, I'll blog about it when I get back.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Audrey's first Fourth of July and she pratical sleep through the whole thing! She was a trooper tough as we woke early to catch the parade (which went right down our street this year) with the Zellers, took a quick stroll through the Clawson Fair with Uncle Randy and then back home for a BBQ in the backyard. I know she'll enjoy more of all this next year but I have to say she made the day easy for us as she just slept on through! She even went right to bed half way through the fireworks ...yes, in her own crib! It just must of been an exhausting day for her!