It's now day three of Audrey's life and things seem to be progressing well. She is a very healthy, happy baby who LOVES to sleep which we're told is common agenda for the first few days of a newborn's life. I'm sure we have many sleepless times ahead however for now it's a real treat for us when she can manage to keep her eyes open for more then 2 seconds at a time (she's a blue eyed girl for now btw).
The first night was pretty much sleepless, for Mike and I anyway. We got to experience all of Audrey's cooing noises and wimpers and enjoyed every one of them ...I just couldn't take my eyes off of her. Night two we decided it was necessary to take a little nursury break so we could hopefully get more than an hour's night sleep ...we got a total of 3, maybe 4. Last night however was our best yet but only because Audrey wasn't feeding very well. She was really cranky starting around midnight but I did manage to get in a semi good feeding in before she was sent off to the nursury again for a couple of hours. Well a couple of hours turned into more like 6 hours because she had no interest in waking up to nurse. So from 1am to almost 6:00am Mike and I got some good shut eye, well except for the every few hours I'd wake up missing her, trying to decided if I should go back to bed or break into the nursery and steal my daughter back.
Breastfeeding is a challange, for all of us but we are managing and are all very determined to master the task. Mike and I took a class but I'm pretty sure there is nothing that can actually prepare you for the real thing. It's an absolute wonderful bonding experience to have with your child (and husband ...Mike is very much involved in this process too) but at the same time it's probably one of the toughest challanges we have that lies ahead but I am happy to say that every day it's getting better and better. I do believe my milk is coming in too ...ouchy!
Above are some pictures that Mike took of Audrey and I bonding over sleep ...something we both love. Below are a few more random pics from earlier today.
She is so beautiful! I think she definatly takes after her mama, sorry Mike! I'm glad to hear things are going so well for all of you! Just be patient and the breastfeeding will get easier. Now that your milk is coming in I think she'll be more interested!! Your doing a great job, hang in there! I love and miss you all. Give her hugs and kisses from her Aunt Heather :-)
It was great visiting with your family tonight and having some snuggle time with Audrey! :) Can't wait to have snuggle time with her once she gets home!!!!
Oh, such sweet photos. That last one with you shows just how little she is! Adorable!
I'm so impressed with how calm you sound. I think i will be exactly like you wanting to hear ever sound she makes at first. Just trying to absorb it all, especially because she came a little earlier than expected. Have fun and can't wait to see and hear more!
Glad to hear everything is going so good. She is absolutely beautiful. Congrats again!
She is so beautiful, we can't wait to meet her.
Lots of love,
Cindy, Pat, Christian, Kendyl & Lia
Isn't crazy what love at first sight really means? I loved meeting her and holding her if only for a few minutes. I will come visit when things settle down at home for ya.
She is sooo pretty. I have to get over there soon....
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