Yes, yes it seems I may be coming a little more domesticated during my late pregnancy. Mike snapped this shot of me, at 32 weeks, cooking dinner (pregnant yes, barefoot no)! I know ...shocking! Don't get all too excited though, it was only an oven pizza, but these last few weeks have proved that the maternal instincts do kick in prior to the birth. For instance, this past weekend I was wide awake by 7am both Saturday and Sunday. Now this may not be a big deal for you morning people but for me it's huge! I hate mornings ...I just assume sleep through it and wake up in time for lunch! I have to admit though, it's kind of nice taking advantage of a full day. You can certainly get alot more done and we did accomplished a lot this weekend starting with some Spring cleaning on Saturday and a little remodeling on Sunday. The Spring cleaning was planned because we had to make room in our tiny house for all of Audreys' gadgets (pack n' play, stroller, swing, etc) that have been sitting in my living room since the shower. The remodeling was something the Partin's inspired us to do after we saw their newly renovated kitchen backsplash and counter tops. Now we didn't go as far as they did, we just added a tin backsplash for some zest may even notice it in the picture.
Let see, what else is there to share...
We started our Birth Education class last week. It's long (3 hours for 4 nights) but I assume well worth it when the time comes. We also made the decision that I will be quiting my full time job to stay home with Audrey. This was a big decision for both of us ...for me because I've had a job ever since I was 13 and for Mike because of the pressures of being the sole financal provider, but again I think the maternal/paternal instincts took over and insist we make the sacrafice.
As for how I'm feeling, I really can't complain. I mean don't get me wrong, my clothes are getting tighter (I refuse to buy more maternity clothes), my shoes don't fit anymore, and I can no longer wear my wedding bands anymore :( but aside from all that, pregnancy's a peach! Although I should share the embarrassing fact that I have recently become a snorer! Mike says it's so bad that I wake myself up ...again, more training for her arrival or perhaps this could just be payback for the 8 years of having to put up with his snoring! Either way, thanks to the snoring or the 6 bathroom trips in a night, I'm getting prepared to rise, at any hour, with a crying baby.
Congrats, on the desiding to stay at home with Audrey! I think you'll be happy with your decision! I just wish we could be in the same state so we could have playdates!!!:-( I love you and hope your feeling good. Not too much longer now! Hugs to you!!
You look fabulous darling!!! And snazzy kitchen ;)
almost babytime!! yes i have a mom that i like to hang out with during the day (and at night wink wink) see you later
You look wonderful Sally!!! I really enjoy reading how things are going for you since I didn't get to go through this last stage. I'm happy to hear you are going to be home. We can do some play dates with Audrey and Andre! Yeah!!!! I can't wait to meet her! This is going to be such a great time in our lives and I'm sooo happy to get to go through this with a great friend like you!;-))
Or...maybe the snoring is helping you learn how to sleep more deeply, so you can rest while Mike is awake, dealing with the crying baby...yeah...that's it! Although the image of Mike breast feeding Audrey is one that I'd like to get out of my mind. Ick!
You're snoring for all of us woman that have to deal with it way too often..payback!
Well you look great eventhough your tooties have outgrown your shoes and your fingers have outgrown their'll all go away when you see Audrey for the first time!
I can't wait!
Check you out!! I'm very impressed with your light hearted ness. I'm ready to complain the minute anyone asks me how i'm doing these days, Who knew wardrobe problems would be this annoying! I'm glad your nesting and feel great though! Keep it up, and keep us posted, your my crystal ball of what is ahead after all!
Aww you look so good.
That's great you are staying home, I usually take my lunch at 11:30 so I should be there for a nice home cooked lunch around 11:40 :-)
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