Thursday, February 28, 2008

27 Weeks ...and 27 Tums a day!

Is it Spring yet?!? I'm starting to get cabin fever, as I always do this time of year, but I'm even more anixous for Spring then ever so I can also meet this little being inside of me that is causing all this heartburn! If the myth about heartburn and the baby having alot of hair is true then there just might be a monkey in there!
I had a doctors check up earlier in the week and things are progressing nicely. Audrey's heartbeat is at 140bpm, which is the norm, and I've gained a total of 20lbs so far. They tested me for glucose, anemia, and the Rh antibodies(this is because I'm an A- blood type which can create antibodies that could potentially harm the baby ...but the chances are slim). I haven't gotten the results for any of those tests yet but I'm certain all is fine. We also met with our peditrician this week, who happened to be my peditrican as well, oh and not to mention Audrey's new best friend Sam Zeller goes too (found that out as we ran into Heather and Sam in the lobby ...small world,huh?). Aside from a peditrician we also have to meet with a hemotologist next week just in case Audrey inherts my hereditery blood disorder, Sphereocytosis (Wow! I'm just making life difficult for this little one). Our fingers are crossed that she dosen't but at least we'll have our ducks in a row if thats her fate.
The nursery is coming along. We put together her crib and changing table this weekend (...I should say Mike did, I watched). The photos are of Mike hard at work putting them together. I was going to post an end result photo but I'm just not ready to share the room yet ...not until it's 100% finshed. George was wondering what all the ruckus was in his room ...he wasn't too happy about having to give it up but I think once he meets little Audrey he'll understand!

Hi Daddy!

...look at him go!

"What's going on in my room?"

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sunny Days!

So, as if you couldn't have guessed, our Florida trip was great! The only complaint I have is that it was too short. From the moment we got there the sun was our best friend! You kind of forget what he looks like up in that big blue sky this time of year in Michigan! We had a fun filled weekend of relaxing, swimming and shopping with Mike's parents. It was really good to be able to spend the time with them. Thanks for the hospitality Mom and Dad! The pics above are complements of our new digital camera we splurged on while we were there. Mike orginally said it was my birthday gift which I didn't really understand since he surprised me just three days earlier with what he called a combo "Valentine's Day-Birthday-Birthing" gift Emerald Ring! I was going to post a picture but the photo dosen't do it justice. Take my word though, it's absolutely beautiful!
So now that our last vacation as a two member family is over we're now getting ready for this little one to join us. This weekend we're going to start getting Audrey's room put together. All her furniture came in the mail last week so Dad will be putting the pieces together while mom sits back and dictates the event (someone might want to take Mike out for a drink next week ...he's probably gonna need it). We also have an appointment to tour the hospital on Saturday and then next week we'll meet with the peditrician and hemotologist ...doctors galore! There's still lots to do but things are coming together very nicely. We're just so excited to meet this little girl ...Spring can't come soon enough!

Blog ya later!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Week 24 (6 Months)

We're finally at the 6 month mark and things are progressing very well. I had my 24th week check up last week but there is very little to report ...except for my weight gain which is anything but little. According to the doctor I've gained 15lbs already which I contribute to the fact that I've discovered a sweet tooth during this pregnancy. I'm not worried though, my doctor says my weight gain is healthy, as is my blood pressure and Audrey's heartbeat. My next check-up is in 3 weeks. At that time I will begin my rotation with all the doctors in the practice and have a bunch of tests run, most of which I can't remember what for but I'll be sure to blog about it when the time comes.
Aside from all that we also (finally!) made a decision on our nursery furniture which should arrive at our door by this coming Wednesday. Over the past couple of weeks we've slowly been getting Audrey's room ready for her arrival but we'll have to wait one more week to set up her furniture because this Friday we leave for sunny Florida to visit Mike's parents. This is a much needed vacation for the both of us so we don't mind putting her room on hold for just one more week. She seems to be cozy where she's at for now anyway.
Well that's all for now. You're probably wondering why I haven't posted a belly shot with this blog but to be honest with you I'm really getting sick of the prison pose I promise to post some of our vacation pictures next week once we return. Plus you'll also get to see Mike's sympathy weight gain too ;)