I had a doctors check up earlier in the week and things are progressing nicely. Audrey's heartbeat is at 140bpm, which is the norm, and I've gained a total of 20lbs so far. They tested me for glucose, anemia, and the Rh antibodies(this is because I'm an A- blood type which can create antibodies that could potentially harm the baby ...but the chances are slim). I haven't gotten the results for any of those tests yet but I'm certain all is fine. We also met with our peditrician this week, who happened to be my peditrican as well, oh and not to mention Audrey's new best friend Sam Zeller goes too (found that out as we ran into Heather and Sam in the lobby ...small world,huh?). Aside from a peditrician we also have to meet with a hemotologist next week just in case Audrey inherts my hereditery blood disorder, Sphereocytosis (Wow! I'm just making life difficult for this little one). Our fingers are crossed that she dosen't but at least we'll have our ducks in a row if thats her fate.
The nursery is coming along. We put together her crib and changing table this weekend (...I should say Mike did, I watched). The photos are of Mike hard at work putting them together. I was going to post an end result photo but I'm just not ready to share the room yet ...not until it's 100% finshed. George was wondering what all the ruckus was in his room ...he wasn't too happy about having to give it up but I think once he meets little Audrey he'll understand!
Hi Daddy!
...look at him go!
"What's going on in my room?"