Thursday, January 24, 2008

Aches and Pains of Pregnancy - Week 22

First, let me say, the following is not a complaint ...just a mere observation, that's all. I'm now halfway through my pregnancy and I'm convinced I'm a text book case. If you've read about it in "What To Expect When You Are Expecting" then I've got it ...or I'm gonna get it. I'll bore you from the beginning, which was our misfortunate miscarriage in May 2007. Very disappointing as I'm sure you can imagine, but we didn't let it get us down. We were on a mission to start a family and just four months later ...yalah! ... 2 more pink lines! So the saga begins again ...starting with, ah yes, morning sickness! That part I pretty much welcomed in the beginning because, well "I'M PREGNANT!", but that was soon followed by "any time of the day" sickness ...not fun, especially since your suppose to eat more yet the site of food makes you want to toss any cookies you may have in ya. This was also accompanied with the usual first trimester fatigue and constant headaches, but I think most women have this not just us text book ones.
Next came the backache. Now, most women get this in the third trimester but mine came in the first. It was just a really achy, strained feeling ...perhaps it was due to all the extra weight I was now carrying in my breasts (...WOW! where'd these come from)! This was soon followed by a mild, yet disgusting metal taste in my mouth. I wasn't sure weather this had anything to do with the pregnancy or not so I pulled out my handy dandy pregnancy guide and sure enough, this taste comes from the prenatal vitamins I religiously take every morning. The vitamins are essential for the baby's health so there's not much I could do but try a different vitamin, but I'm guessing they're all the same. On a plus side though nails have never been so long and strong! I actually have to trim them in order to type on the computer these days.
Let see, what came next ...well, aside from the usual growing belly, butt...and breasts came Sciatica (sounds like a planet in a Sci Film, doesn't it?). For those of you that don't have your own handy dandy pregnancy guide, Sciatica is when the uterus presses on the sciatic nerve causing horrible (gut wrenching) pain in either your lower back or your buttocks ...mine is in the butt, left check to be exact! It's actually kind of comical because I'll be fine one moment and the next I'm frozen in pain, unable to move in any direction until the pain subsides ...seriously frozen! So that's what I'm going through now, and as I've said I'm only halfway so can you imagine what is next to come (...hemorrhoids, 3o more pounds, swollen feet ...etc)?!? I can, thanks to my handy dandy pregnancy guide! I'll be one step ahead of what's next. Oh boy, I can't wait to do this again!
Oh ...Sara just reminded me about the acid reflux (poor thing, aside from Mike she's the one that gets to hear all my yelping) ...I'm enjoying that so much I forgot to mention it! Thank God for flavored Tums! My new favorite candy.
After Thought: Little baby girl ...your momma loves you very, very much no matter what aches and pains lie ahead.


Jocelyn Edin said...

Great post! I hear ya sista. Most of us go through at least most of the crazy, weird, can-there-be-anymore symptoms. I would love to be handed baby #2 at 6 months old. I'm having a hard time talking myself into getting prego again! :)

Christa said...

I told you would get boobs!!! Aren't they fun!!! LOL Oh, and the sciatica is wonderful! Mine would go from the left to the right at any given moment. Enjoy this time for it is going to go by fast. The out come is going to be more than you can imagine. You will know what love really is. Your heart will fill up with sooo much love and joy. You won't know what to do with it!! I'm soo happy for you both. Can't wait to met this wonderful buddle of joy. Love you both!!

Heather Shea said...

So, the one minute your fine the next your frozen in pain....sounds like labor!! :-) Just wait, I can't wait to hear all about that! I love you and I love that little growing belly!! You look great!!! Miss you tons!! :-)

Krista said...

I love the play-by-play!! :) And, especially love your Sesame Street Belly Shot!!!!! :) No offense, but it's good that you're experiencing all this "fun" stuff before me...that way you really can be the text book! You know how I hate to read :) Come on May 30!!!!

Coach Mike (aka Rusty) said...

You look fantastic, Sally. I really enjoyed reading your blog today; the posting was long overdue. I just can't get enough of this stuff.

Any chance you can get Mike to log-in and type an entry explaining how your pregnancy is affecting his life? Has he read the books? Felt a flutter or a kick yet? Decorated the baby's room? Figured out how to install the car seat in the camper? C'mon! Give us more!!!

Heather said...

I agree with Joss..great post! And you look so cute with your little Nelson belly hanging out! Isn't it great to be able to flaunt your belly and not have to worry about sucking it in?!..that was one great perk of pregnancy, enjoy it because afterwards it's really hard to suck in a post prego!

Anonymous said...

Very cute belly shots!! You are one hot mama for sure


Kele C said...

I love the exact location of your pain! I also love your frank talk, I feel the exact same about the boobs. I never had small ones before so i didn't really think they would grow too much until the baby was actually here. But holy crap! why are they this big this early no one needs them for at least 5 more months! Good luck with the freezing buttock and keep us posted!

Kele C said...

I hear you on the boobs! where did they come from and why so soon! I thought since i didn't have small ones before that mine wouldn't explode until after baby arived! what the heck!! why do we need to grow 3 sizes by 1/2 way through! there is no baby to make use of gynormous boob for at least another 4 months! Ha ha! Good luck with your freezing boody! Thanks for the laughs, and for keeping us posted! You look fabulous!

The Nelson Family said...

Your belly is so cute, I can't wait for your next post to see how you are doing.


Heather Shea said...

Audrey Lea! Oh I can't wait to meet this little girl. I'm so glad you decided on her name before she arrived, it makes personalizing gifts so much easier!! :-) Thank you too by the way for your comment on my blog :-) Your going to be a fantastic mom! Love you tons!