Tuesday, January 8, 2008

19.5 Weeks

Yesterday I had another doctors check up but aside from my weight gain, which is 10lbs so far and good blood pressure there isn't much to tell. I did get to hear the heart beat again which this time we found with no problems. Apparently there is an old wives tale about the heartbeat being over 140 beats per minute it's a girl and under would be a boy but I was unaware of this at the time so I didn't ask the doctor what the rate was, but it won't mater as of Thursday anyway because we're finally having our 20 week ultrasound! I'll update the blog after we findout! Is it snips, snails & puppy dog tails or sugar, spice & everything nice ...only time will tell. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Krista said...

SUGAR & SPICE! SUGAR & SPICE!!! ;) However, I do love me some puppy dog tails too!!! Can't wait -- shall we buy pink, or blue? yeah yeah yeah!