Some other recent developments:
*Little Miss Talks Alot. She'll pretty much repeat anything you ask her too (or even don't ask her too). This includes calling her dada "Mike". I've now been instructed to refer to my husband as "dada" at all times.
*She's wearing 2T clothes already and wears a 6.5 shoe! She's tall so it's a bit of a challenge finding pants that aren't floods. Shorts will be nice come summer.
*Her canine teeth have finally all cut. Now she's working on her second molars.
*Loves Dora, Golden Grahams, hummus and popcorn although if you ask her what she wants for lunch or dinner it's always "mac n cheese".

*She can count to 10, mumble the ABC's, and is getting to know her colors.
*She now enjoys her books instead of destroying them. We read a few books every night before bed. She has her favorites but "Elmo's Ducky Day" is a given and must be read before she takes it to bed with her (I can read it by heart now). "Good Night Moon" and "Are You My Mother?" are some other favorites, but these can go back on the bookshelf before bed.
*She has a love/hate relationship with Tia the dog, but LOVES George the cat. I think he may be developing a soft spot for her too. Gracie, the other cat, is warming up to her however I think there are still some trust issues that she's hashing out.
*She still loves the outdoors! She has a great time in the snow and enjoys tossing snowballs however we're all looking for Spring though!
I just love her to pieces!! And watching her care for her babies...one of my favorite pastimes! :)
I love, love, love this blog entry, Sally! You make me feel like I've just had a short but very nice visit with you guys. Thank you from a lonesome grandma.
She's adorable! Wow is she growing. Thanks for all the updates its great to hear about her little personality!
Audrey is sure a pretty little girl! I love hearing about all the new things that she does. I know I always say this but looking at these blogs of everyone's children and reading about them is one of my favorite things to do!It's fun for Sammy's Mimi to keep up with all of his girlfriends and boyfriends!
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