In the last few weeks she developed quite a few quirky, cute and pondering habits. She loves to go for walks around the house while holding our hands, so we're "walking together" as she puts
it. She loves to dance around the kitchen and run through the house at top speed hollering, "Ready, Set ...GO!" Her love for the bath is gone :( It's a struggle to get her in and she's usually the one to end it by saying, "All done now". We're not exactly sure why this changed but we're thinking it has to do with teething (she's got 4 more coming in) or perhaps she's just growing up and changing her ways. She still loves Elmo and SpongeBob but has a new-found love for Dora the Explorer. She enjoys being outdoors, even playing in the snow, but only after much convincing to dress properly for the elements. Once she's out there though, you can't wipe the smile of her face ...and her smile is priceless!

0ur little monkey is growing up and turning into quite the little lady :)
Our little monkey is growing up and turning into quite the little lady :)
That is such a wonderful photo of you and your sisters! See you this weekend!
Sorry to hear that the weather wasn't gorgeous in FL, but sounds like you had a good time anyways. Also, bummed that Audrey didn't embrace the sand. Tatym was a sand-hater last summer and I was hoping that this summer would be different, but it might not be that easy :( We have to get our girls together some weekend!
I love all the pics! Audrey looks very happy and I'm sure that she had loads of fun minus the spiked temp! She sure is a pretty little girl!!
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