Gosh, were do I begin. I really need to start updating more often instead of cramming so much info into one entry. The kids are growing up so fast that I feel, that in just some short time, these blog entries will be all that I have left of their youth.
Audrey has stared pre-school for two days a week. For two hours every Tuesday and Thursday she spends the morning with new friends playing, crafting and learning. She LOVES it. She's never had any issue with going and hardly even notices when I leave. I love to witness her independence. Her personality has really started to shine in her tot years. She's out going, and anything but shy. Today she had her first visit to the dentist. I'm always leary about telling her in advacance about doctor's appointments so I wanted to tell her the news this morning. She simply shrugged her shoulders and said, "okay, mommy". Still, even after we walked in the door of the dentist office, she showed no sign of fear or discomfort. She chatted away with the hygentist and even got chatty with Dr. Hunter. We're also very happy to announce, that after a lot of hard work and determination, Audrey is now 100% potty trained. She's quickly weened herself out of pull ups at night and so far we've been accident free for quite some time. Our goal was to have this done by the time she started school and she met that goal with just weeks to spare! Good job Audrey!
Henry is now 7 months old. He's sitting up all by himself, eating all kinds of baby food (and loves all of it!) and is sleeping just a tad bit better at night. He's still dealing with a lot of issues with acid reflux plus he's been teething which doesn't help matters (He has the two bottom already and the two top are coming through). He goes down for the night anytime between 7-8pm and gets up at least twice a night to feed, then getting up for the day usually around 6am. Some nights are good, and some nights are bad. When we get the bad ones, they are BAD! He'll wake up and sometimes it can take us hours to get him back to sleep. He is definately a momma's boy. It's great to walk into a room and she his face light up like a christmas tree! I'm still nursing inspite of the occational bitting. I'm having a hard time giving it up since it's one of few things that helps calm him when he's having a bad night. I hope that within the next few months his acid reflux starts to fade and he starts sleeping through the night and then I can start to slowing ween him but for now it works. He's yet to roll over but he can easily go from sitting position to laying on his tummy all on his own. I don't really recall Audrey doing this so I'm not sure if this is a good feat or not but he's mastered it.
On a seperate note, we are all also very excited to announce that Audrey and Henry will have a new cousin come this Spring. Sara and Dave are expecting their first baby due in April. It will be so nice to have another baby in the family, especially since Henry will be a wobbly tot by then.
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