Here we are, only 5 weeks to go until our family of three becomes a family of four! We're getting really excited for Henry's arrival. The nursery is fairly ready (not ready enough to post pics yet), my hospital bag is packed and his closet is now full of newborn clothes thanks to many friends and family members. Since I had the option of having another C-section we went ahead and scheduled Henry's deliver date for March 9, 2011.
Henry gave us quite a scare last week though! I wasn't feeling all that great one morning and was pretty sure I was having some form of contractions yet I went to work anyway, against my better judgement, thinking it would all pass. By mid morning I was instructed by my doctor's office to head to the hospital. I was indeed having contractions however I wasn't in active labor. Turns out I was extremely dehydrated due to the stomach flu which in turn caused my contractions. After 6 hours of IV fluids (I couldn't keep anything down) the contractions stopped and I was able to go home and let it run it's course. After 2 days of very little to eat and early bedtimes (Audrey was tucking me into bed ...very sweet) I was finally feeling back to normal. The good news through all this ...Henry was just fine! The midwife at the hospital gave us an ultrasound for reassurance. He was active throughout the contractions but the ultrasound showed us that he was exercising his lungs and already weights over 5lbs! Both really good signs of a healthy baby.
This past Saturday my girlfriends threw me a wonderful Sprinkle! For those that aren't familiar with the term, it's a smaller version of a Baby Shower for your second little bundle of joy. We had it at my house because there had still been so many of my friends that hadn't seen our new home yet. I was a little concerned about how well we would all fit but it turned out to be a warm and cozy setting. I'm sure the mimosas and wine helped with that as well. Henry got SPOILED too! His closet went from nearly empty to jam packed with clothes for months to come. I can't thank all my friends enough for helping us celebrate the arrival of our little boy. We are truly blessed, that's for sure!
And now we just wait! With the arrival of Henry coming early March we can only hope that Spring will follow close behind. Within the past week we've received almost 10 inches of snow. We had our fun in the snow. Audrey would stay outside until her little fingers turn to icicles if we'd let her. And while I love snow days too I also start to crave the sunshine and warm breeze this time of year. It would be really nice to enjoy that while I'm home with Henry in March.
I'll post pictures of the nursery as soon as I have the final touches applied but for now here are some pictures from the Sprinkle and our recent snow day.

yay!yay!yay! i can't wait to get my hands on that bouncin' baby boy :) hurry up already!!!
yay!yay!yay! i can't wait to get my hands on that bouncin' baby boy! hurry up already!!!
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