Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hello Sippy Cup!

So I thought I would introduce a sippy cup to Audrey with hopes that I might get a break from nursing now and then (...and maybe even help me when it comes time to ween her). As the pictures show she was a bit confused in the beginning but eventually got the hang of it. She became really intrigued with her new toy when she got her first sip of water though!


Krista said...

OMG! She's growing so fast :)

Heather said...

That's's been too long! We need to schedule a playdate ASAP! ..As soon as I shake this cold, Sammy and I are coming over to play!

The Nelson Family said...

She is getting so big. We need to get the girls together sometime soon.


Kele C said...

Love it! And great job on the new bolg back ground - very cute!