On Sunday Audrey marked her fifth month of life and to celebrate we had her baptised at our family Luthern church. She was in such a great mood, thank the Lord, so she didn't seem to mind when the Pastor repeatedly dumped water on her head. Krista and Randy did us the honor of accepting the role of Godparents and there to help us celebrate were her Great-Aunt Joyce and Great-Uncle Ron (my Godparents), Aunt Sara and Uncle Dave, Great Grandma Weil, Grandma and Grandpa Nelson and of coarse her best friend Sarah.
Now at 5 months Audrey has rolled over (just once though) and has discovered new vocals ranging at all volumes (Heather - remember Sam's possesed voice, now Audrey has it). She laughs (and giggles) all the time now and what I love the most is when she buries her head into my neck when she gets shy with new people. We're still struggling with napping and just tonight we started with the "self-soothing" processes. This is only day one of the process that could take us up to two months to accomplish however it will help us all sleep better in the long run once she is able to put herself to sleep. I'll keep you posted on our progress.
What a trooper for sure! Such a little angel :) Looking forward to many more memories with you all. And...I'll never forget her toot right in the middle of the service! That was classic! There's nothing like getting the church giggles on the front row...right in front of the pastor!!! :)
So fun that she's giggling now! Good luck with the self soothing prossess i'll be checking back often to see how its going! Congrats on the baptism, always a big event for the family!
Audrey is so very cute!
I still haven't got to meet her yet and I'm really looking forward to that! Maybe next time I'm out at Heather's we can figure it out.
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