Here's another bump picture taken Christmas day (17 weeks 4 days).
It's New Years Eve and I've come to realize that this is our last one to spend together without having to line up a babysitter months in advance ( Mom, whatcha doing um, say a year from tonight?) Of coarse we have no plans tonight, because really, what's there to do when you're 4 1/2 months pregnant and can barely keep your eyes open past 9:30pm?!? It's just a small price to pay for what lies ahead!
About a week ago I felt the baby move for the first time. Of coarse it's never really clear weather it's the baby or, to put it politely, indigestion ...although I have experienced the later before which is why I believe what I felt was in deed my little one doing summersaults as an exercise regimen. I've felt it many times since but unfortunately haven't been able to share it with Mike yet because they just aren't strong enough ...his time will come.
Next week is our 19th week check up and, hopefully soon to follow, our second ultrasound which will tell the progress of the baby's growth and the sex. We'll keep you posted!
It's New Years Eve and I've come to realize that this is our last one to spend together without having to line up a babysitter months in advance ( Mom, whatcha doing um, say a year from tonight?) Of coarse we have no plans tonight, because really, what's there to do when you're 4 1/2 months pregnant and can barely keep your eyes open past 9:30pm?!? It's just a small price to pay for what lies ahead!
About a week ago I felt the baby move for the first time. Of coarse it's never really clear weather it's the baby or, to put it politely, indigestion ...although I have experienced the later before which is why I believe what I felt was in deed my little one doing summersaults as an exercise regimen. I've felt it many times since but unfortunately haven't been able to share it with Mike yet because they just aren't strong enough ...his time will come.
Next week is our 19th week check up and, hopefully soon to follow, our second ultrasound which will tell the progress of the baby's growth and the sex. We'll keep you posted!