The title ...well that seems to be what I'm hearing a lot lately. People can't believe Henry is only 6 weeks old. He's filled out quite nicely. In fact, I clearly remember Audrey having chicken legs that plumped up after some time. Henry, he just skipped the chicken legs and went straight to plump! He's a wonderfully easy baby. He nurses well (kind of lazy but never a problem with latching), he loves to nap in the swing (Audrey wanted nothing to do with that), took a bottle a couple of times with no problems, and will occasionally take a numie but he really could take it or leave it (Audrey would leave it every time). Now, I said he was easy but I didn't say perfect. He has fussy time every evening, between 7 - 12am. Sometimes it's for an hour, sometimes five hours. He sleeps really well at night, waking to eat every 2 - 4 hours, however he is still sleeping with us. I've tried to use a co-sleeper (aka bassinet) and even tried his crib however he doesn't seem to enjoy laying flat on his back (he'll probably be a belly sleeper, like his sister). He is really congested at night, which I think contributes to his dislike for back sleeping. The doctor has placed him on a small dose of Zantac in hopes that the congestion is due to a small case of acid reflux. If they can clear that up then hopefully the congestion will clear up as well and he may learn to sleep alone. All this, hopefully, sooner rather than later. Audrey slept with us for 6 weeks ...I'm giving Henry til 8 weeks then he's getting the boot! We've gotten a few random smiles from him, mostly gas related I think, but cute all the same. Audrey has come to terms that he's here to stay. She competes for attention, especially when she feels he's getting too much, but other than that I think she's a fan of her baby brothers.
And speaking of 'lil Miss Audrey. She's a little girl now, with attitude! Her birthday is right around the corner and she's super excited about it. Aunt Heather was in town over the weekend and she was able to capture some absolutely beautiful pictures to help capture Audrey's personality. We found Henry is favorable in front of a camera too