Time flies ...really! I swear I just did an update but apparently
that was two months ago. Easter has come and gone, which by the way was really nice. We had a really nice early dinner with my mom and Wayne, hosted by the Partin family. It was a beautiful Spring day so we were able to enjoy our dinner out doors while the girls played. Audrey has really found a good friend in Remi. Even though there is a year difference you can certainly tell they enjoy each others company. God knows they spend enough time together!

Audrey recently went through one of her worst illnesses of the season. She had a sinus infection and ear infection that kept her out of daycare for a whole week. High fevers and runny noses make for no fun so we hope (finger crossed) that was the last of it for the cold season. We're now looking forward to her birthday and camping season which are both right around the corner! But first Mom gets to go on her first long weekend trip away! I'm going to Chicago with my Mom and my sisters at the end of April while Dada and Audrey will remain home having some fun of their own!