I know, I know ...the sun is still shining and it's 80 degrees out however the sound of football fills the air therefore to me Fall has arrived! We just returned from our vacation up north and even the trees up there agree as they are already turning the pretty shades of red and orange.

We spent the Labor Day weekend with the St. Clawdale Park gang in Evart at the River Country Campground. Audrey is still a natural born camper. She loves to be outside and would spend all day in the water if we let her. The week following Labor Day we headed up to see Grandma and Grandpa Nelson in Lake City. This is were Audrey spent most of her days in the lake. She also went for her first boat ride and even took a short paddle boat ride along the shoreline. Then to wrap up our trip we spent sometime with Mike's brother and his family at their new cabin. Audrey had a great time with her cousins, Kendyl (4) and Lia (3). They played real well together and had no problems sharing toys and hugs.

Audrey is growing up so fast. Mike and I are amazed to see our precious little baby turning into a little girl right before our eyes. At her 15 month check up she weighed 25lbs and was 32 in long. At this time she was giving the MMR vaccine which I had some reservations about, and with good reason. About 10 days after the shot she developed high fevers for about 3 days in a row but luckily that was the worst effect. Aside from those fevers and a few sleep deprived nights she was back to normal in no time. She's talking a lot (okay, more like mumbling) adding a few words to her vocabulary like hello, ball, car, oh-no and has even recently said her first full sentence saying "mama go bye-bye" when I left the room. She loves to blow kisses to her dada (or anyone who asks for one) and is recently the best Tea Party hostess in town (all her stuffed animals say so).

She can be quite moody at times, especially in the morning and tends to get really slap-happy after dinner. She still LOVES bath time, in fact so much so that I have to drain all the water from the tub before I can even think of prying her out. Once I do finally get her out she likes to air dry by running through the house in her birthday suit as I chase her with a towel ...she thinks this is the funnest thing! And then we follow up our bedtime routine with a book, which she has just recently started to show interest in, pointing to pictures and turning the pages. She's a big girl now and she reminding us every day!