Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hello Sippy Cup!

So I thought I would introduce a sippy cup to Audrey with hopes that I might get a break from nursing now and then (...and maybe even help me when it comes time to ween her). As the pictures show she was a bit confused in the beginning but eventually got the hang of it. She became really intrigued with her new toy when she got her first sip of water though!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Silly Girl!

With teething Audrey's toys are 99% of the time in her mouth and well sometimes she just gets too lazy to hold them there! She makes me lol a lot these days!

December 10th she'll be tested for spherocytosis! She's practically her dad's twin, lets hope she is in this regard too! I'll keep you all posted.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Happy 1/2 Birthday Audrey!

Audrey has already made it through half of her first year and she's growing like a weed! She weighs 19lbs 3oz and is now 26 6/8in long which puts her in the 97th percentile for weight and the 75th percentile for height. Obviously she is getting enough nourishment from nursing however we've started her on solid foods to introduce her to some new flavors. In the morning she has oatmeal with some fruit and in the afternoon we've been experimenting with a mixture of fruits and veggies. So far she likes most of the fruits however I can't say she's a big fan of the veggies yet. Let's just say her gag reflex is in working order.

As the posted video shows she is sitting up all by herself now, with just a little wobble left. The doctor seemed to be really impressed with this and told us that it's time to start baby proofing the house! Even though Audrey shows no interest in rolling over or crawling yet the doctor told us once the back muscles are strong like that it's just a matter of time before they start to become mobile. She's also cut a bottom tooth already and I believe a second one is already on it's way. I realize I have a long wait but I'll be really happy once she's got a full mouth of teeth! Regardless of teething pain though, she's still sleeping really good at night. She typically goes 12 hours with just one quick feed so I can't complain about that. Naps on the other hand are still my worst challenge. Some days I may get lucky and get a 60-90 minute morning nap in but afternoon naps are pretty much nonexistent. A sure fire way to get her to take an afternoon snooze though is by taking her out on errands or for just a quick car ride. There's no way she can resist a comfy nap in her car seat!

This video isn't all that entertaining but for those of you who don't get to see her that much may enjoy seeing this more than those of you who do.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Halloween was fun! Audrey was able to play with some friends at the Zeller's house for a couple of hours before bedtime rolled in. There was Sam (Dog) of coarse and then her new friends and Jake (Lion) and Tatym (Flower/Pumpkin). Audrey was a Princess, a costume that her Aunt Heather bought for her months before she was even born! Most people thought she looked more like a ballerina though, which was just fine with her. All the babies deserve a big applause for putting up with us grown ups as we humiliated them with picture after picture ...oh, good times! Audrey however could not keep her eyes open past 6pm so we had to head home early and pass out candy to other little ones in our neighborhood as she slept for the night. I anticipate that next year she'll be able enjoy this holiday just a tad bit more then her first or at least she'll be able to stay up later for it!